Language Enrichment Programme

Teaching English in a conventional way can be boring and ineffective in a classroom. Bodhi International School believes in engaging the students through creative activities that ensure students learn with fun. Language competence builds confidence and opens doors to a world of opportunities, leading to better academic performance and co-curricular accomplishments.

The English Language Enhancement Program at BIS is designed to develop the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing simultaneously. We believe in teaching English not as a subject but as a life skill so that they become independent learners, thinkers, and communicators for life. With small class sizes, we ensure that every child gets personalized attention and customized instruction. Age-appropriate solo and group activities like JAM, Extempore, Book Reading, Role Play, Group Discussion, Debate, Poetry Writing, Storytelling, Presentations, Spellbee, Jingle Creation, etc. inject fun into our language learning sessions. Moreover, these non-classroom settings force the child’s brain to find new ways and create new pathways of excellence.

The program also helps the teachers to make their job all the more worthwhile and satisfying through continual language enrichment sessions and workshops. These sessions set the tone and prepare them well in advance to make English lessons interesting.

The programme benefits the learners in the following ways:

  • Enables them to understand the conventions of language and develop a natural style of pronunciation
  • Enhances their abilities to read, write, speak and comprehend the spoken word
  • Equips them to exchange opinions, express emotions and present information
  • Gain the requisite language skills for success in senior classes and future career

This program engages the students and teachers with a diagnostic assessment of the abilities and need-based support to achieve the desired result.

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