Primary Principal
Ms Manya Jain

Primary School Principal & PYPC

Our students bring life and vibrancy to our school. They bring aspiration, ambition, joyfulness, energy, and optimism.

Our responsibility is to nurture, challenge and guide them: To inspire their curiosity and to help them to find their way, and their purpose, supporting them to find and follow their passions.

We encourage our students to explore who they might be, what they might do, and how they might contribute to the world, now and in the future.

Clearly understanding the magnitude of our responsibility, the trust that parents place in us, and the trust and opportunity that every young person deserves. Our commitment is to nurture the whole - mind, body, and soul; we build intellectual curiosity, instil learning agility and demonstrate learning mastery. We endeavour to challenge our students to build character, creating lifetime habits that sustain health and well-being for themselves as well as the wider world. We are clear winners when our students emerge adaptable and flexible, with the grit that allows them to be resilient in the face of life’s inevitable challenges.

We are simply joining you as partners in the next chapters of your child’s life journey. As a School community, we work together, modelling positive choices about how we will live, and looking for ways to contribute to a better future, a better community, and a better world. In learning, we acknowledge we don’t have all the answers as we explore problems with curiosity and reflection, bringing fun and a sense of adventure.

The accelerating pace of change in our world, and global challenges, are milestones that bring into sharp focus our life’s priorities. Throughout our journey we have sought reassurance and guidance in the face of challenges through living our mission and vision and fulfilling our commitment to our values; to care for one another, staying true to doing the right thing.

Brahmam Bodhi

Ms Manya Jain
Secondary Principal
Mrs. Rashi Rohatgi

Senior School Principal

Dear Stakeholders & Partners

Welcome to another incredible session- Session 2024-25!

Each session is a new start, a new beginning that brings with it countless hopes, opportunities and promises; these aspirations become not only the driving force but also offer the purpose to each one of us. The freshness of the purpose and the novel, unconventional ways to achieve the same, lay the fundamental premise of EDUCATION. 

The word Education is an ecosystem. This ecosystem thrives on cognition, metacognition, perspectives, experiences and most importantly rationale.  In this scenario, books and teachers become the mere facilitators and superficial knowledge finds no scope for existence. The paradigm shift in the mindset drifts the focus from marks to skills (21st-century skills), from memorization to developing perspectives and application of conceptual knowledge, and from living in today to envisioning and preparing for the rapidly evolving future and its needs. Delving deeper, it surfaces that technology has been playing a pivotal role in defining or rather redefining the true process of education. Technology, as a companion, scaffolds the individual intellect and opens up fathomless scope to explore and grow by choice.  

In this era of speeding constant change, the only thing one can hold fast to is the preparation to face the unknown; investment of time in enabling a mind to become enterprising and innovative will pay the best interest. While preparing the child of today to meet the expectations of tomorrow, the selection of the right school that aligns with the expectations of parents and the demands of the future is of prime importance.  A school that exposes a child to a realm of learning and polishes him to emerge jewelled with life skills, ethos, character and individuality should be THE CHOICE. 

With a decade of commitment towards imparting the true EDUCATION, Bodhi International School connects with the new age philosophy of learning. Here each day is a new day, each session a new beginning garnished with the promise of care, love and bond! 

Welcome to the school where children, who are the catalysts for change, walk that extra mile to discover their potential, set benchmarks for themselves, and soar to newer heights without losing grip on the ground they belong to!

Brahmam Bodhi

Mrs. Rashi Rohatgi
CIE Head
Mrs. Noopur Chaturvedi

CIE Head

Welcome to our vibrant learning community, where we believe in nurturing young minds and empowering them to conquer the challenges of life with confidence and resilience. As we embark on this academic journey together, it is essential to strengthen our vision, celebrate our achievements, and chart a course for future growth.

Our vision is simple yet profound: to cultivate an environment where every student thrives academically, emotionally, and socially. We endeavour to instill a love for learning, a spirit of inquiry, and a sense of responsibility in each student. The aim is not only to impart knowledge but also to foster critical thinking, creativity, and empathy, preparing our students to become compassionate and capable global citizens. Our children are the heart and soul of our school, and we are immensely proud of each of our students’ achievements, both inside and outside the classroom.

At Bodhi International School, we are committed to excellence and innovation in education. We leverage cutting-edge teaching methodologies, foster interdisciplinary learning experiences, and provide personalized support to each student. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff work tirelessly to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment. Their passion, expertise, and steadfast support are instrumental in shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. 

Parents, you are an integral part of our school community. Your collaboration, encouragement, and involvement contribute to a positive and enriching educational experience for our students. Together, we form a strong partnership dedicated to the holistic development of every child.

As we continue this journey towards academic excellence, we are mindful of the evolving challenges of the 21st century. We promise to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world with confidence and courage. 

The future of our institution is exciting, and the potential of our students is limitless. Let's continue to strive for excellence, nurture a love for learning, and empower our students to become compassionate, resilient, and successful individuals.


Profound regards!

Brahmam Bodhi

Mrs. Noopur Chaturvedi
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