Performing Arts

Performing Arts provide children with opportunities to experience new ways of thinking. Learning music, dance and drama has wide-reaching benefits for children, providing them with the tools to think creatively, innovate and appreciate diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Here at Bodhi, performing arts is an integral part of the liberal curriculum that encourages children to explore their emotions, expand their imagination and helps them develop their own, unique voice. Each discipline of music, dance and drama engages a child's brain, body and emotions in different ways to encourage their confidence and find joy in self-expression.



Music at BIS, is an art form deeply rooted in our curriculum design both as a disciplinary and transdisciplinary pedagogy. We believe that Music offers lifelong opportunities for the development of imagination, sensitivity, inventiveness, risk-taking and enjoyment.

Bodhian’s would learn atleast two instruments till the time he graduates to the Middle School. Bodhi International School gives opportunities to students, as young as, three year olds to explore instruments and get a kinesthetic feel of music. Students begin learning instruments namely, the keyboard, guitar and percussion instruments through dedicated sessions. Students also graduate to reading music, and all this is accomplished through sustained effort to reach desirable outcomes.

Consciously planned engagements help students explore with guidance and experiment the importance of taking risks which is an essential aspect of musical growth. Musical activities, alone or with others, contributes to the child’s developing creativity and self-esteem.

It involves learning in the major domains of knowledge, skills, attitudes and feelings, and the senses. The ability to visualise and to think in abstract form enhances problem-solving skills in many areas of the curriculum. During the process of making music the child experiences satisfaction and a sense of achievement as he/she performs or creates, alone or as part of a group. The child develops technical and artistic skills, involving muscular co-ordination and sensitive movement, as well as skills of perseverance and self-discipline that are essential to self-expression.

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